About Michael Bartura
In earlier years, Michael worked as a therapist and a trainer in clinics and centres in Australia, UK, the US, and Canada. Later, he undertook senior managerial roles in international businesses and charities. In his last full-time role, as a manager for the East West Learning Centre in Singapore, he focused on designing platforms to deliver an integrated Mind-Body approach to leadership education. Last year he oversaw the TeamUp program – a unique coaching journey designed to counter stress and build resilience in charities. In Australia, he runs his own coaching practice based on Mindfulness-based Leadership and Positive Neuroplasticity to work with individuals, organisations and Startups. He is also a member of the core faculty at the School of Life in Melbourne.
Besides a variety of certificates and diplomas in holistic therapies, Michael holds a Master’s degree in Management from Macquarie Graduate School of Management. He is a passionate and skilful coach and has been an associate of the Asian leadership Institute for close to 20 years
Some of my daily practice is in acceptance as in “it is what it is”, and “people are who they are”.
I now realize I was constantly swimming against the current trying to control my environment in ways that led to excessive anxiety and obsessive worry which kept my limbic system in a constant flight or fight pattern.
Upon reflection, I now know that these negative patterns can change through the neuroplasticity of the brain. ( which means the brain can change itself through repetition of positive thoughts and feelings and behaviors.
It is a continual work in progress but very worthwhile.
Michael was very positive and introspective along with guiding me through tough times. He has had a very positive influence on my life.
For that I am very grateful.